Posted by Schnoodle Mummy | Posted in Schnoodle Breeders | Posted on 25-08-2012

The Schnoodle Nightly Walk
I don’t know if you are like me but I dread the nights getting shorter purely for the impact it has on the number of dog walking time available.
Woody, my beloved Schnoodle, will not go to the toilet in our garden, good for us but it means whenever he wants to relieve himself we HAVE to go out.
Fortunately we live just 100 yards from the beach and about 10 yards from a huge green space, used mainly as a cricket pitch.
I also don’t know where the time has flown by this year and already I am thinking about the end of this year start of the new year.
Now is the time I start to get my new year calendars and diary so that I can keep everything entered and up to date.
I found this fantastic Schnoodle Calendar on Amazon and it is a must for me
Order your’s too before they all rush off the shelf.