Posted by Schnoodle Mummy | Posted in General Dog Topics | Posted on 09-08-2012
Tags: Poodle, poodle cross, poodle x, schnoodle
The Poodle is one half of the Schnoodle
Poodles are one of the most intelligent breeds in existence The Poodle lends itself especially to becoming a pet or companion, soon becoming warmly attached to its owner, very quick at learning what is required of it, and very smart and vigilant as a guard.
All who have kept any of them will know they are full of merit, good tempered as a rule, born humourists, fond of children, grand swimmers, excellent guards, and very affectionate and faithful to their owners and friends. A very high authority, both as a breeder, exhibitor and judge, has set out the points of a correct Poodle as follows : head long, straight and fine ; skull rather narrow and peaked at back, very slight “stop;” long, strong and fine jaw, not full in cheek; teeth white and level; lips black and rather tight fitting; gums and roof of mouth black ; nose sharp and black ; eyes very dark brown, full of fire and intelligence, nearly almond shaped, leather of ears long and wide, hanging close to
face; well proportioned neck of fair length and strength; strong muscular shoulders, sloping well to back; deep and moderately wide chest; short, strong, slightly curved back ; broad muscular loins ; ribs well sprung and braced up; small round feet, toes well arched, pads thick and hard ; well set, straight legs, with plenty of bone and muscle ; hind legs very muscular and well bent, hocks well let down, tail not curled over back, but carried rather gaily and set on high; coat profuse and of good texture, not silky; if corded, hanging in tight, even cords; if curled, in strong, thick curls, of
even length, without knots or cords. Colours should be self, whites and blacks seem to be the most popular. The general appearance is that of a very active, intelligent and elegant looking dog, stepping out well and carrying himself proudly.
Mixed with the Schnauzer, the poodle creates the increasingly popular Schnoodle