Ted the Schnoodle is now 22 Weeks Old


Posted by Schnoodle Mummy | Posted in Schnoodle Puppy Diary | Posted on 27-05-2013

Ted is now 22 weeks old and developing quite a personality.  He has learned to bark, although it is quiet squeaky at the moment.  He still has occasional accidents in the home but they are fewer than they were…thankfully.

He is a very social dog enjoying the company of other dogs, large and small and people.  So far he has not been told off by other dogs for sniffing around them, he tends to be more submissive.  Watching him and Woody run together  in the park is very entertaining and they certainly have a bond.  Most days we walk up with other dog walkers and their pooches, mostly who are much larger dogs than mine but Ted loves to mix in with them all.

Of an evening we go out with other dog walkers so he gets to meet a different circle of friends.  Unfortunately Ted is partial to a bit of rabbit poo, the fresher the better, but he is not the only dog to partake in this unpleasant activity.

So far I have not seen Ted act aggressively or unpleasantly to other dogs or humans and long may this continue.

His coat is getting very long now and it is very different texture to Woody’s.  I need to have him groomed soon to keep the shape looking nice and tidy.  His coat does seem to attract lots of bit of bracken and debris from our walk but he is happy to be groomed with a brush.  After a couple of walks he has found a muddy puddle or rolled in a lump of fox poo so he has to bathed in the bath, he doesn’t flinch at all at being washed or blow dried.

I am so enjoying owning Ted the apricot and white schnoodle, he is a joy and a very welcome addition to our family.


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