Posted by Schnoodle Mummy | Posted in Puppy Training, Schnoodle Breeders, Schnoodle Puppy Diary | Posted on 26-02-2013
Well today has been a day and a half. My new little Schnoodle puppy Ted woke me and the whole house up at 5.00am. The good news is his crate was dry, very unexpected for a 9 week old puppy who has a tiny little bladder.
He was worn out from his visit to the vets last night and he is still a bit tender from his first jab.
Today the dog behaviour specialist came over to do a house call to check on Ted’s progress and give me some tips to try and make the crate training easier. Ted’s breeder didn’t use a crate but I wanted to, although it is a first for me too.
We have had lots of visitors since Ted’s arrival and he is a very sociable dog who loves the company of people. Unfortunately his little needle like teeth and sharp claws made my grandson cry today but the tears were soon wiped away by the offer of a candy bar.
Being a life long dog owner is never quite enough to prepare you for the arrival of a new little bundle of fluff, it still feels like a new journey but hopefully a very long and happy relationship.
My little man is all curled up in my arms, fast asleep and very contented.