Posted by Schnoodle Mummy | Posted in General Dog Topics | Posted on 20-08-2012
Tags: celebs and their dogs, i Love My Schnoodle
How much do you love your Schnoodle?
A recent survey reported that 6 out 10 dog owners sleep with their dogs on or in their beds. Are you one of those 6 or are you 1 of the 4 who would never consider it.
I am part of a large community of dog walkers who meet in the morning on the beach to exercise our beloved pets and each one is as precious to their owners as a child. What fascinates me is the many varied reasons why the owners chose to get a dog or how a dog came into their lives.
For me Woody came into my life after I lost my standard schnauzer Henry to a brain tumour and had to make the awful decision to PTS a dog who had become a danger to people and other dogs. Believe me, we tried everything to put off the decision but eventually after a particulary nasty incident the dreaded act could not safely be put off any longer.
Woody came to us as an 8 week old pup and I can’t imagine life without him. He is nestled up to me now as I write and will stay by my side all day and all night.
The Daily Mail has done a very interesting piece today on ‘Mutts being treated like celebs’, makes a good read….>>>>Check it out here
How much does your dog mean to you and how did they come into your life?